Interested in Learning How to Conduct Fall Screens?
The ISU Walk with Ease team has partnered with the Iowa Falls Prevention Coalition to create a training course to enable fitness and health leaders to conduct fall prevention screens in a standardized way. The FREE online training modules cover the key components of the CDC STEADI fall risk screening protocol.
The screening initiative is coordinated through the Iowa Community HUB so formal registration through the HUB is required prior to initiating the training. Complete the simple Registration Form to and we will get back to you. |
How Does it Work?
Programming and training are managed through the ISU Translational Research Network (U-TuRN) which works with the Iowa Community HUB to disseminate evidence-based programming across Iowa. The procedures for screening are IRB approved to enable data to be used for state monitoring. We will be evaluating our training model over time so Individuals and organizations that engage will be asked to complete baseline evaluations and periodic surveys to evaluate programming. If you are interested in learning more, please email us at [email protected] |